Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

I've just finished reading Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding, and am a few chapters into the sequel already. This book was hilarious in parts and in others, terrifyingly reflective of myself. Bridget is an extremely relatable character, though the others generally seem to be flat & archetypal. That's alright, though, because it really isn't about them. It's all about Bridget. Many of her epiphanies were good for me to see in print...things I've sort of thought but dismissed as rubbish, but that really are truth. Things I thought, but assumed no one else did. I liked that.
It isn't a great book. But it is a fun book. It reads like the film (the book came first, but I saw the movie long before I read the book) and would have been perfect to read on a plane or at the beach or something...fairly light, easy, and diverting.

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