Friday, May 7, 2010

What's Coming Next?

I've decided that my next read will be The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley. This is the second in the Flavia de Luce mystery series (the first of which I talked about here) and I am very much looking forward to this read! I usually don't post until the end of a book, but I just wanted to share a bit of the praise that's on the back of this one, talking about The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. From Mystery News: "A smashing series starter - a book readers will come to the end of wishing they hadn't read, because it would be so wonderful to read it again for the first time." How great is that?! Anyway...just thought I'd share & encourage anybody who reads this blog to pick up these books & check 'em out for yourself. Or, in the words of LeVar Burton, host of Reading Rainbow: "But you don't have to take my word for it!"

By the way, Flavia has a blog:


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