I finished Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love and identified with a lot of it. She has me pretty much convinced to fly off to Bali and meet some exotic fellow traveler...hmm. Definitely recommend.
Most recently, I read a little book called Angel Unaware that I found in some of Grandma's things. Dale Evans Rogers wrote it after her daughter died. That daughter was the inspiration for so many of the wonderful things that Roy & Dale Evans Rogers did. It is written as though it was spoken by little Robin to God, after her mission on earth was finished. It was short, but SO touching. If you ever have a chance, pick it up. Buy a box of Kleenex before you read it...you'll need it.
This copy was in my Grandma's things, but actually belongs to my mother, and you can see that she read it a lot. It was given to her new, but she's read and re-read it so many times that the binding is falling apart and the pages are fragile. After reading it myself, I can definitely see why it touched her so. Like I said, it is short...this copy is 63 pages...but it says so much. Please read this one!